2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Syble Townsel's blog ::The First Game Of Redsox Nation

Syble Townsel's blog ::The First Game Of Redsox Nation

After               a               disappointing               2010               season,               the               front               office               of               the               Boston               Redsox               did               everything               in               their               power               to               put               together               a               team               worth               of               a               championship.

The               2011               starting               line-up               is               potent               and               healthy               heading               into               Spring               Training.

This               is               a               simple               analysis               of               the               line-up               and               why               I               think               the               Sox               are               destined               for               a               championship               run               this               year.


LF               Carl               Crawford:               The               headliner               of               American               League               free               agent               signings,               Carl               Crawford               adds               countless               skills               to               the               ine-up.

The               4               time               all-star               batted               .307               last               year               while               driving               in               90               runs.

He               also               stole               47               bases               while               hitting               19               home-runs               by               season's               end.

If               you               look               around               the               Major               Leagues,               you're               not               going               to               get               more               production               out               of               a               lead               off               hitter               than               Carl               Crawford.

2B               Dustin               Pedrioa:               After               struggling               with               injuries               last               year,               Dustin               is               poised               to               come               back               and               return               to               top               form.

In               half               of               a               season               last               year,               Pedroia               still               put               up               decent               numbers               hitting               12               home               runs,               driving               in               41               runs,               and               holding               a               .288               batting               average.

If               he               played               a               full               season,               his               numbers               would               have               been               in               the               20+               homerun               range               as               well               as               80+               RBI.

Let's               not               forget               that               Pedroia               is               a               former               Rookie               of               the               Year               as               well               as               American               League               MVP.

3B               Kevin               Youkilis:               Youk               was               another               Sock               rittled               with               injuries               last               year.

None-the-less,               he               still               hit               19               home-runs               while               driving               in               62               runs.

His               .307               batting               average               is               most               impressive.

Again,               with               a               full               season               at               that               rate               he               could               have               hit               25+               homeruns,               drove               in               100+               runs,               and               hit               over               .300.

Youk               is               healthy               and               ready               to               add               strength               to               this               potent               line-up.

1B               Adrian               Gonzalez:               Here's               the               kicker.

This               is               what               makes               the               Redsox               the               hands               down               favorite               in               the               American               League.

Coming               over               from               San               Diego,               Adrian               Gonzalez               brings               his               impressive               numbers               to               Boston.

In               2010,               A-Gon               hit               31               homeruns               while               driving               in               101               runs               and               keeping               a               .298               batting               average.

He               has               hit               30+               home-runs               over               the               last               4               years               and               hit               40               in               2009.

Look               for               Gonzalez               to               crush               American               League               East               pitching               and               put               on               a               monster               year               statistically.

DH               David               Ortiz:               Big               Papi               revitalized               his               career               in               2010               after               suffering               his               worst               stastical               year               of               his               career               in               2009.

2010               saw               Papi               hit               31               homeruns               while               driving               in               102               runs.

His               .270               batting               average               was               mediocre,               but               the               sox               will               take               30+               homeruns               and               100+               RBI               out               of               the               five               spot               anyday.

RF               J.D               Drew:               J.D               Drew               is               a               nice               filler               at               the               6               spot               of               the               line-up.

He               will               not               dazzle               you               with               any               part               of               his               game,               but               he'll               put               up               solid               numbers.

Last               year               Drew               hit               22               home-runs               while               driving               in               68               runs.

His               .255               batting               average               was               not               impressive,               but               his               .341               on-base               percentage               was               more               respectable.

20+               home-runs               and               a               .341               on               base               percentage               out               of               the               6               spot???

Sounds               good               to               me.

CF               Jacoby               Ellsbury:               Jacoby               Ellsbury               was               injured               for               just               about               the               whole               season               last               year.

However,               he               is               the               best               #7               hitting               in               the               majors.

His               name               may               smash               you               in               the               mouth               and               ring               bells,               but               2009               showed               that               he               is               a               treasure               in               the               Major               Leagues.

In               09',               Jacoby               stole               70               bases.

He               was               the               Major               League               leader               by               a               landslide               in               this               category.

He               also               held               a               .288               batting               average               while               totaling               188               hits.

As               Jacoby               returns               to               health               this               year,               he               makes               the               Boston               Redsox               a               much               more               capable               run-               scoring               team.

SS               Marco               Scutaro:               You're               not               going               to               get               much               more               out               of               production               at               the               8               spot               than               Marco               Scutaro.

He               piled               up               174               hits               last               season               while               driving               in               56               runs.

This               is               huge               coming               from               the               bottom               of               the               line-up.

He               also               has               big-hit               potential               as               he               hit               11               home               runs               last               year.

C               Jarrod               Saltalamacchia               OR               Jason               Varitek:               Saltalamacchia               was               a               minor               league               standout               who               has               been               waiting               for               his               time               to               shine               for               a               couple               years               now.

Though               his               Major               League               numbers               are               sub-par,               he               has               never               got               a               starting               role               and               is               expected               to               emerge               this               season.
               Jason               Varitek               is               a               fading               star.

He               is               not               going               to               put               up               20               home-runs               or               have               80+               RBI               ever               again.

What               he               does               bring               to               the               table               is               his               in-tangibles               and               captain               status               to               the               Sox.
               As               you               see,               The               Boston               Redsox               look               good               on               paper.

As               we               all               know,               this               usually               means               nothing               but               if               this               team               stays               healthy               they               are               going               to               dominate               the               A.L               East.

I'll               project               95+               wins               and               a               World               Series               birth.

There               you               have               it,               you               have               the               info.

Now               you               be               the               judge!

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